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Long/Short Equities

Shane Lambert

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Director - L/S Equities

Shane is a rising junior at Crossroads School for Arts & Sciences with ambitions to pursue Investment banking and hedge funds in the near future. Being a founder of the SoCal Student Stock Society, he is passionate about investing and has over 4 years of experience analyzing securities such as AMD, WH, NVDA, HLT, and TSM. Outside of investing, a few of his hobbies include playing soccer and skiing.

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Varshil Patel

Analyst - L/S Equities

Varshil is currently a junior at Masuk High School, with an interest in investment banking and venture capital. Being a part of many successful startups, he has learned about analyzing securities and developing varieties of different strategies for equity. A part from investing, his hobbies include playing soccer and working out.

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Ian Hartana

Analyst - L/S Equities

Ian is a junior at BASIS Chandler. He has a keen interest in the stock market and investment analysis, and is currently working on a research project regarding consumer sentiment within the stock market. In his free time, he enjoys playing the piano and playing tennis.

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Ying Zhang

Analyst - L/S Equities

Ying is a sophomore in high school who is passionate about all aspects of running a business, especially finance. She serves as Socal JSA's assistant chapter convention coordinator, a major promoter of social change and growth. She has aided nonprofits and is an avid competitor in business sectors at SkillsUSA and FBLA. Her free time is spent reading.

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